5300 Waverly Farm Dr.
Haymarket, VA 20169
571-261-2556 - phone
571-261-2557 - fax
571-261-3541 - absence line
Alvey Elementary is located in the Dominion Valley community off of Route 15 in Haymarket, Virginia.
Click on the map below for directions.
Principal: Elizabeth Johnson
Assistant Principal: Mikaela Moore
Date Opened: September 2003
Number of Students: 560
School Colors: Blue and Yellow
School Mascot: Sunrays
About J. W. Alvey Elementary
J. W. Alvey Elementary, named after former Prince William leader James Alvey, is located in the Dominion Valley Neighborhood in Haymarket, Virginia. Alvey has been designated as a Fully Accredited School by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Since opening its doors in 2003, Alvey Elementary is proud to have been named a School of Excellence 17 years by the Prince William County School Board!
Communities Served
Alvey Elementary serves the neighborhood of Dominion Valley.
Extracurricular and Enrichment Programs
Alvey has several extracurricular programs for students, such as Battle of the Books, Singing Sunrays, Technology Club, Runaways Sunrays, Minecraft Club, and Robotics Club. There are opportunities for fifth grade students to become Kindness Crew members and Safety Patrols. Alvey has an in-house Start Program for K-3 potentially gifted students and an in-house Signet Program for 4-5 gifted students.
Opportunities for Parent and Community Involvement
Parents are an important part of the Alvey community. Parents are invited to join the PTO which meets monthly and plans many presentations and activities for students.
Parents and community members are invited to volunteer in the school. There are many opportunities to help in the office or to work with students as instructional volunteers. We truly appreciate our Alvey volunteers and honor them with a special luncheon at the end of the year. Their contributions are invaluable.
What Makes Our School Unique?
J. W. Alvey Elementary has a history of community service. Following the tsunami that devastated many of the countries bordering the Indian Ocean in 2004, a fifth grade class wanted to help the affected people. Their desire to help blossomed into Alvey's first Walk-a-thon in which Alvey students raised over $26,000 to donate to the Red Cross to aid tsunami victims. As a result of our second Walk-a-thon in 2005, our students raised money to purchase a car for a family displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The following year, our students donated to the building of the Pentagon Memorial, and as a result, our Singing Sunrays chorus group was invited to perform at the dedication of the Memorial. Other groups our students have helped are the American Heart Association, Barn Transition Housing, the Rainbow Riding Center, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, the Boys and Girls Club of Manassas, and the Food Bank. At Alvey, we not only believe that it is important teach state standards, but also to teach the importance of community service.